For me, there is a brief moment when a banana is at the perfect ripeness for eating, and more often than not, I miss it. That’s when I leave them in the fruit bowl to get deeply overripe, the skins blackening, and the fruit inside slowly melting into a fragrant mush. Perfect for making banana… Continue reading Banana & hazelnut loaf
Tag: Breakfast
Roasted veg & eggs
Back when I lived alone and worked more than is healthy, feeding myself became such an effort. If a recipe took longer than 15 minutes to cook and used more than one pan, I wasn’t making it. One of the easiest things I used to make was some combination of vegetables, roasted with garlic and… Continue reading Roasted veg & eggs
Drop scones
Baking is a serious sport in Scotland. It’s not elegant or refined, but we know how to put butter, eggs, sugar, and flour to good use. The climate doesn’t give us a lot to play with—a solid summer’s day might see a high of 16°C in the Highlands—so food is hearty. It’s made to warm… Continue reading Drop scones