This lasagne is a really nice alternative to a tomato based version. It’s good and hearty for winter suppers, and is even special enough for a dinner party or festive gathering. I’m including instructions on how to make your own pasta, but this significantly increases the effort involved, so no one will judge you for… Continue reading Roasted mushroom & potato lasagne with kale
Tag: winter
Mushroom soup
After a particularly hot summer, it seems that the season turned overnight. You can smell it in the morning, brown and yellow. Fallen leaves, curled into brittle crisps, have started to dot the sidewalks, and, as the sun creeps up later, I wake each morning a little closer to 07:00. With the fading light, it’s… Continue reading Mushroom soup
When I became a professional chef, friends suddenly seemed afraid of cooking for me. Invitations to Sunday lunch or casual dinners would usually be accompanied with “I hope you won’t be terribly disappointed” or “I’m sure it won’t be up to your standard”. Dishes would be served with a side of apologies. Of course, when… Continue reading Lentils
Tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich
My childhood home is at the end of a dirt track at the top of a hill, and in the winter we often woke up to waist-high snow drifts. We couldn’t get out to go to school, so we’d spend the day throwing ourselves into heaps of snow, or watching the dogs disappear, bewildered, into… Continue reading Tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich
Pea soup with roast potatoes & a soft boiled egg
I’d been warned that the drive from San Francisco to Los Angeles wouldn’t be especially scenic. Though Highway 101, which meanders along the coast, is spectacular, the fastest route is the I-5, which cuts a straight line through hundreds of miles of the Central Valley. For most of the way it’s a dual carriageway, and… Continue reading Pea soup with roast potatoes & a soft boiled egg